Prenatal Parenting Rewards Program.
A FREE Parenting Program
designed for you.
About the Program.
Being a parent can be challenging. Our HOPE Rewards Program can help you to become a parent who is equipped to meet those challenges with confidence. This program is free. Both moms and dads are welcome to participate.
Lesson Topics.
1. Healthy pregnancy
2. Labor and delivery
3. Breastfeeding
4. Infant care and safety
5. Healthy relationships and abuse
6. Finances
7. Toddler development
How it Works.
Each lesson is 20 to 30 minutes long. After completing a lesson on your own, you will meet with a mentor one-on-one to discuss what you have learned. After each session, you earn points that can be redeemed in our well-supplied Baby Boutique for the following types of items:
Car Seats
Travel Systems
Clothing from infant to size 2T
Many other infant and toddler items
Interested in the HOPE Program?
Let us know today.