Pregnancy Test and
Your Options.
If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you have three options: Parenting, Abortion or Adoption. Your decision is personal and we are here to equip you with all the accurate information you need to make the best choice.
Pregnancy Test.
We offer medical grade, highly accurate pregnancy tests at no cost. Our accurate tests can verify pregnancy as early as one day after you miss a period and 7 to 10 days after conception. All test results are confidential.
Once you have a positive pregnancy test at one of our centers, you may qualify to receive a free ultrasound conducted by a licensed medical professional.

Ultrasounds can be performed as early as 6 weeks from the first day of your last period. An ultrasound can determine the following:
Detect a heartbeat (viability)
How far along you are in your pregnancy
Estimated due date
If the pregnancy is in your uterus (intrauterine or ectopic)
Why should I get an ultrasound before I decide?
An ultrasound helps you to be sure that you are pregnant and verify how far along you are in your pregnancy. It can also determine if the pregnancy is viable (detect a heartbeat) and if the pregnancy is in your uterus.
We provide this information in a supportive, non-judgmental environment so that you can make the best decision about your pregnancy.
Not knowing is stressful.
We’re here to help.
Make an appointment today.